1 FROM cmbant/docker-gcc-build2 MAINTAINER jsbyxyc@me.com3 4 COPY cpu2006 /benchmarks/cpu20065 WORKDIR /benchmarks/cpu20066 CMD ['runspec']
docker build -t [image name] .
docker run -it --rm --cpuset-cpus=1 spec /bin/bash
source shrcrunspec --noreportable bzip2
出现错误 bad interpreter: No such file or directory
runspec.02 q. Why am I getting messages about specperl: bad interpreter? For example:
bash: /cpu2006newdir/bin/runspec: /cpu2006/bin/specperl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
a. Did you move the directory where runspec was installed? If so, you can probably put everything to rights, just by going to the new top of the directory tree and typing "bin/relocate".
For example, the following unwise sequence of events is repaired after completion of the final line.
Top of SPEC benchmark tree is '/cpu2006'Everything looks okay. cd to /cpu2006,source the shrc file and have at it!$ cd /cpu2006$ . ./shrc$ cd ..$ mv cpu2006 cpu2006newdir$ runspec -h | headbash: runspec: command not found$ cd cpu2006newdir/$ . ./shrc$ runspec --help | headbash: /cpu2006newdir/bin/runspec: /cpu2006/bin/specperl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory$ bin/relocate